Miles de franceses marcharon en París en contra el antisemitismo

Francia tiene la mayor comunidad judía de Europa, pero dada su colaboración con los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los hechos antisemitas evocan dolorosos recuerdos.

Miles de franceses marcharon en París en contra el antisemitismo
Paris (France), 12/11/2023.- Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (5-L), President of the French National Assembly Yael Braun-Pivet (6-L), French Senate President Gerard Larcher (C), French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne (C-R), former French President Francois Hollande (7-R), flanked by cabinet ministers of the French government and former prime-ministers pose for a photograph with a banner reading 'For the Republic, against anti-Semitism' during a march against rising anti-Semitism, called by the presidents of French Senate and National Assembly, in Paris, France, 12 November 2023. Thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris against anti-Semitism on 12 November, as tensions have risen in the French capital, which is home to large Jewish and Muslim communities, following the 07 October attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel.Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. (Francia) EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA

Decenas de miles de franceses marcharon este domingo en París para protestar contra el antisemitismo, que ha resurgido en el país desde que estalló la guerra entre Israel y el grupo extremista Hamás en la Franja de Gaza.

La primera ministra Elisabeth Borne, representantes de varios partidos izquierdistas y la dirigente ultraderechista Marine Le Pen participaron en la marcha en la capital francesa, en medio de fuertes medidas de seguridad.

El presidente Emmanuel Macron no asistió, pero expresó su solidaridad con la marcha y llamó a la ciudadanía a luchar contra “el resurgimiento inaceptable del antisemitismo desbocado”.

En tanto, el líder del partido ultraizquierdista Francia Inclaudicable, Jean-Luc Melenchon, se abstuvo, diciendo en la red social X que era una marcha de “amigos del apoyo incondicional hacia la masacre” en Gaza.

Paris (France), 12/11/2023.- (L-R) Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, his wife Italian-French singer Carla Bruni and France's National Assembly President Yael Braun-Pivet participate in a march against rising anti-Semitism, called by the presidents of French Senate and National Assembly, in Paris, France, 12 November 2023. Thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris against anti-Semitism on 12 November, as tensions have risen in the French capital, which is home to large Jewish and Muslim communities, following the 07 October attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel.Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. (Francia) EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA
Paris (France), 12/11/2023.- (L-R) Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, his wife Italian-French singer Carla Bruni and France's National Assembly President Yael Braun-Pivet participate in a march against rising anti-Semitism, called by the presidents of French Senate and National Assembly, in Paris, France, 12 November 2023. Thousands of demonstrators marched in Paris against anti-Semitism on 12 November, as tensions have risen in the French capital, which is home to large Jewish and Muslim communities, following the 07 October attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel.Thousands of Israelis and Palestinians have died since the militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October, and the Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave which followed it. (Francia) EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA

Las autoridades desplegaron unos 3.000 agentes por toda la ruta de la protesta, convocada por el Senado y por la Asamblea Nacional, en medio de un aumento alarmante del al antisemitismo en Francia desde el inicio de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás.

Francia tiene la mayor comunidad judía de Europa, pero dada su colaboración con los nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los hechos antisemitas evocan dolorosos recuerdos, informó la agencia de noticias AP.

Participaron también familiares de personas asesinadas o tomadas como rehenes por Hamás. Las autoridades francesas han registrado más de 1.000 incidentes antisemitas en el país en el mes desde que empezó la guerra en el Medio Oriente.

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